Monday 5 March 2012

Molotov Cocktail

I have been thinking about the riots last year. At the time I thought it was hilarious....until I realised that family businesses were getting targeted. Anyway to a degree a bit of anarchy is good, refreshing, it makes people question the society we live in. Okay so the cause of the my opinion youths that want new tracksuits/handbags/i-phones. Maybe we need to question why people want all these things.

Dalai Lama -'In today’s materialistic world there is a risk of people becoming slaves to money, as though they were simply cogs in a huge money-making machine. This does nothing for human dignity, freedom, and genuine well-being. Wealth should serve humanity, and not the other way around.'

Maybe chaos is the future of consumerism, maybe we should just burn the whole system down and start from the ashes. 
If the riots show anything it is that British society at the moment is a volatile thing, which could descend into chaos at any moment...the tools are there - discontentment with the system, recession, people power, communication etc etc...
I am planning to make a piece based on the components for a Molotov Cocktail(petrol bomb) - petrol, glass bottle, rag, match, band, sugar. I wont put them together as a bomb....but all the components are there ready for it to cause chaos. 

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